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现在正在报名注册下一次免费广东话的家庭互助课程 /Family to Family Class


线上上课时间: 4/20/24 - 7/06/24

逢星期六 1: 00PM- 3: 30PM

沒有課在: 4/27,5/25,6/22


NAMI(美国精神健康联盟) 【家庭互助】 是一项为期八节的免费课程,专为有精神健康患者的家人、伴侣和朋友设计。它被 SAMHSA(药物滥用和精神健康服务管理局) 指定为以大量科研为基础的课程,有助于更好地了解精神健康疾病,提高应对技巧并使参与者能够成为其家庭成员的倡导者


立即註冊或聯繫我們了解更多 Kelly Ma : 415-295-2701

华人社区联络员 /Chinese Community Liaison 

Kelly Headshot.jpeg

Kelly Ma /Hai Yan Ma

(415) 295-2701


My name is (Kelly )Hai Yan Ma and I joined NAMI SF in 2021 as Chinese Community Liaison. I'm originally from Guangdong China and immigrated to San Francisco with my family in 2004. I have had working experience in customer service over 15 years and have been taking care of a closer family member with mental health challenges. After getting connected with NAMI, I have learned a lot about the needs of people with mental illness and gained support from Family to Family class. This has led me to join NAMI as a volunteer and then staff member to support families and community members facing similar difficulties.



monthly on the 4th SATURDAY

1:00 pm

NAMI SF用廣東語為華人社群提供教育演講. 有關更多資訊,請單擊下面的按鈕。

NAMI SF offers educational presentations for the Chinese community, in Cantonese. For more information, click the button below. 

照顧者(家人)廣東話互助組 /
Cantonese Language Family Support


Peer led, Cantonese language group for families and caregivers.

Questions please contact Mabel Kwan at

每月第四個週六 下午1點

monthly on the 4th SATURDAY at 1:00 pm

照顧者(家人)廣東話互助組 /
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