NAMI Family Support Groups provide knowledge and understanding along with an opportunity for families and caregivers of those living with mental illness to share experiences in a confidential setting. Groups are led by either trained professionals or NAMI members with extensive personal experience coping with mental illnesses and its impact on families.
Family & Loved Ones Support Group
-2nd Mondays at 5:00 - 6:30 pm
-Every Thursday at 6:00 - 7:30 pm
-1st Saturdays at 10:30 am - 12 pm
Led by NAMI trained volunteers with extensive personal experience coping with mental illnesses and its impact on families and loved ones. Groups provide knowledge and understanding along with an opportunity for families and caregivers of those living with mental illness to share experiences.
Support for Parents and Caregivers of Teens & Young Adults
-2nd and 4th Sundays at 4 - 5:30pm
Join us for a peer led monthly group for family members of teens and young adults who are struggling with mental health issues. Together, we exchange stories, offer advice, provide support, and build hope & understanding.
Support for Adult Children
4th Wednesday at 5:00pm - 6:30pm
A peer-led group for individuals who have a parents, grandparents or caretakers who is struggling with mental health issues. Together, we exchange stories, offer advice, provide support, and build hope & understanding. Free and confidential support group for individuals 18+
Families and Loved Ones Support for Black, Indigenous, People of Color
3rd Monday of the month at 5:00-6:30pm
A peer-led support group for Black, Indigenous and People of Color. Individuals who have a loved one who lives with mental health issues. Together, we exchange stories, offer advice, provide support, and build hope & understanding.
Support for Black & African American Families and Loved Ones
3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm
"This group is for families, caregivers, and friends of individuals who identify as Black or African American living with mental health conditions. Groups provide knowledge, understanding, and an opportunity to share experiences. Led by African American NAMI trained volunteers with extensive personal experience coping with mental illnesses and the impact on families and loved ones. Free and confidential support group for individuals 18+
Grupo de Apoyo Familiar/ Family Support Group -In Spanish
Nuevo horario Lunes de 7:00pm a 8:30pm / Mondays from 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Dirigido por voluntarios capacitados por NAMI con amplia experiencia personal en el tratamiento de enfermedades mentales y sus impactos en las familias y seres queridos. Los grupos brindan conocimiento y comprensión con oportunidades para que las familias y los cuidadores de personas con problemas de salud mental compartan sus experiencias. /Led by NAMI-trained volunteers with extensive personal experience treating mental illness and its impacts on families and loved ones. The groups provide knowledge and understanding with opportunities for families and caregivers of people with mental health conditions to share their experiences.
Grupo de Apoyo Para Padres de Niños con Preocupaciones de Salud Mental/ Support Group for Parents of Children with Mental Health Challenges
Cada primer jueves del mes des 6:30 - 8:00pm PT/ 6:30 - 8:00pm on the first Thursday of the month
¿Estás preocupado por el comportamiento de tu niño o adolescente? ¿Las clases o actividades sociales se le dificultan por sentirse ansioso o deprimido? Los síntomas de enfermedades mentales para niños y adolescentes pueden variar mucho, haciéndolo difícil de identificar temprano. Las preocupaciones sobre el estigma, medicamentos y tratamientos pueden prevenir a los padres de buscar tratamiento para los niños o adolescentes. Te invitamos a que te unas a nuestro grupo de apoyo de salud mental donde padres y cuidadores pueden tener un lugar seguro y de bienvenida para compartir las experiencias de cuidar a un niño o adolescente con cualquiera de estas preocupaciones. Este grupo está dirigido en asociación con Support for Families of Children with Disabilities.. Escribe a Aracely@namisf.org si tienes más preguntas.
照顧者(家人)廣東話互助組 /Cantonese Language Family Support
-每月第四個週六 下午1點 /-4th SATURDAYS at 1:00 pm
專為經歷過看護精神疾病患者的照顧者,同伴互相支持.如有問題,請聯繫關戴家慈女士,電子郵箱 mabel@namisf.org
Peer led, Cantonese language group for families and caregivers. Please contact Mabel Kwan at mabel@namisf.org with any questions
Family Support with Jane Goldman (Affiliate Group)
-Tuesdays at 6pm
A NAMI SF affiliate support group for family members and loved ones of people living with mental health conditions. Facilitated by Jane Goldman, an experienced psychiatric nurse, educator, and family member. Jane has facilitated this group for the past 20 years, bringing her unique combination of professional knowledge and personal experience. Please note that Jane Goldman is currently taking a leave of absence from facilitating this group. Our experienced volunteer facilitator team will be delivering this group until she returns.
Thank you for your patience with us!
Spirituality Support Group (Affiliate Group)
Virtual: 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at 7 pm on Zoom
Affiliate spiritual support group for people of all faiths who live with a mental health condition and/or loves someone who lives with a mental health condition. For invitation email: pjevans02@gmail.com